China Best 1000W Rust Cleaning Laser Price
Despite these issues, numerous European companies are developing laser cleaning technologies. More and more users are willing to commit to an initial investment to profit from the advantages of this technology for surface cleaning.
1000W Rust Cleaning Laser Price
Electro-mobility (e-mobility) applications, including preparation of e-drive housings and sealant areas for adhesive bonding and the coating of battery cells, modules, and battery housings/frames, are among the drivers of the laser cleaning market.
A clean surface is a basic requirement for a successful, durable-welded, adhesive bond, and for a contact. Components in e-mobility are often coated with paint and functional layers, such as cathodic dip painting. Laser cleaning and paint removal can be used to strip paint and functional layers from selected areas on the component, precisely at the points where bonding should take place, or where the functional layers are no longer needed. Laser pulses with high peak powers vaporize the razor-thin layers without affecting the component. The absorbing material is heated by the laser energy and vaporized or sublimated.
What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Laser Cleaning?
1000W rust cleaning laser can be more flexible than washing and other traditional cleaning methods because specifications like beam geometry and power are easily adjustable. Depending on the material and properties, parameters can be adjusted to affect things like pulse duration and power. It is best used for processing metals, as Eibl and Mangang said. Iron-based materials, for example, usually don’t present any sort of challenge for laser cleaning machines.
The primary advantage is energy efficiency. Although pulse power is high, pulses are short, which keeps the average power relatively low. Laser cleaning equipment also requires little maintenance, which can be as simple as checking ventilation equipment for contamination or airflow blockage and inspecting the machine for dust, debris and other contaminants.
1000W rust cleaning laser can work well with a variety of materials, making it a versatile cleaning method.
The primary limitation is the amount of contamination. Laser cleaning can’t remove materials like chips or other larger particles.
Laser ablation (removal of material by evaporation) occurs when a layer or coating on the surface of a material is removed with a laser beam. This process is behind all laser cleaning equipment. For example, laser rust removal from steel surfaces. When the beam reaches the surface, the molecular bonds in the dust or rust layer are broken and expelled from the lower material. In less technical terms, it is conceivable that the coating evaporates from the surface of the material by means of a laser beam.
An easy way to imagine an ablation threshold is to compare it to throwing a ball over a fence. If you don’t throw it high enough, it will never get to the other side. Even if you throw it over a thousand times, it still won’t work. The same application applies to laser rust removal. The laser beam can be emitted a thousand times, but as long as the energy is below the ablation threshold of the material, nothing is removed from the material.
Now, each material has different properties and thus different molecular bonds. In other words, each material has its own ablation threshold. In order to successfully remove the coating from a material, it is necessary that the amount of energy given is above the ablation threshold of that material.
The material can be removed in a very selective way.
Let’s continue with the previous analogy. Let’s imagine that behind the first wall is the second higher wall and the ball is thrown over the energy to get over the first wall, but not the second. The ball would bounce off the other wall and stay between the two walls. Again, no matter how many times the ball is thrown, it would always have the same result. Would get over the first wall, but never over the second.
Because each material has an ablation threshold, laser cleaning can distinguish between two or more materials when trying to remove an unnecessary layer from an object. If the difference between the ablation thresholds of the two materials is large enough, it is possible to choose which material to remove (i.e., the one with the lower threshold) without leaving the other material intact.
For example, the ablation threshold for rust is lower than for common metals such as steel and aluminum. The same goes for paint and oil. Due to this high difference in values, the contamination and coatings are completely evaporated without the risk of damaging the lower material. There just isn’t enough energy for that.
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