How to Purchase the Perfect Granite Bridge Cutting Machine?
In CNC machining, granite bridge cutting machine that use high-pressure water to cut hard materials such as granite and metal. In some cases, water will mix with sand or other strong substances, and factory mechanical parts are usually formed through this process.
Waterjet is a tool on CNC machine that can be used to cut hard materials such as metal and granite with high-pressure water.
For materials that cannot withstand the extremely high temperatures of other CNC machines, a water sprayer can be used as an option for the cooler. Granite bridge cutting machine are widely used in various cutting and engraving processes and are very powerful.
How to choose a granite bridge cutting machine?
This machine can cut aluminum, steel, plastic, PVC and many other materials just like any other CNC router. However, its execution speed is faster than any other CNC router.
Therefore, the bridge cutting machine is ideal for cutting and engraving. Therefore, if someone is interested in adding it and decides to evaluate the cost and other elements of the stone bridge machine, you should make sure to check the following factors before buying:
High-pressure pump: The pump is the most important part of the spray water. The pressure generated by the pump generates a pressurized water flow during the cutting process.
Articulated cutting head: This computer-controlled multi-axis cutting head makes chamfering easy. It can also help automatically minimize the taper of sharp vertical cuts.
Grinding water nozzle: The pressurized water in the nozzle passes through a small diameter hole and forms a water stream. Then, the jet passes through the venturi section, where a certain amount of granular abrasive is released into the water stream. The mixture of abrasive and water passes through the ceramic mixing tube. Therefore, when the cutting stream of abrasive particles moves at a high speed, the mixture will leave the nozzle.
X-Y connection frame system: The precise X-Y movement system is used to precisely move the nozzle to create the required cutting path.
Cutting thickness: The jet can cut everything. From steel, Inconel, armor plates to high temperature sensitive materials, it can cut everything! It can cut almost any shape. Similarly, the thickness of 10 inches can be accurately cut. The cutter can also make the cutting smooth and without burrs. Use the same water jet to cut different types of products.
How much power do you need?
In addition to sufficient power, granite bridge cutting machine can also use multiple cutting heads to increase production.
Direct drive waterjets consume less energy. Generally, they use up to 75% more water than booster pumps, which reduces operating costs. Unlike booster pumps, direct drive pumps only apply pressure when the machine is cutting.
Is the granite bridge cutting machine universal?
Compared with laser and plasma cutting, stone cutting is the most commonly used cutting method when cutting metals such as titanium and aluminum. In addition, marble bridge cutting can be used to cut thick metals with an accuracy of up to 305mm / 12 inches.
In this rapidly changing world, precision and precision are crucial, and granite bridge cutting machine must be installed. With the increase in demand and the above-mentioned various advantages, granite bridge cutting can completely change the current engraving method.
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